Wednesday, 4 March 2009

I'm A Barbie Girl

I was browsing blogs today, something that has grown on me immensely since starting my own, and read an entry about a Barbie Runway Show which happened on February 14th this year (valentines day how cute!). The pictures just say it all really, I guess this was a fashion show to present the many different Barbie looks. It amazed me that the clothes looked so much like something Barbie would wear, but at the same time the models didn't look too bad either!I guess Barbie is probably one of the first things little girls look at for fashion inspiration - without knowing it obviously. I remember thinking I wanted to get married in the same dress one of my Barbies had. I also used to get sooo excited when I'd buy a new outfit for her, or sometimes my mum would even make her a cute dress. Although nothing could beat those little pink shoes that always got lost, and strangely it was never the pair that went missing it was only one shoe! I was smart enough to know that Barbie would not look cool in odd shoes, so most of the time she went bare-foot.

Another memory has just popped into my head and it made me giggle. I once attempted to make my beloved Barbie a shiny silver flared mini-skirt out of one of those silver tin foil cake wrappers (you have no idea how long it took me and my boyfriend to work out how to describe that thing!), I made a hole and stuck her legs through it, it didn't go to plan. Hmm it looked very uncomfortable and I think the next day she was back into her pretty wedding dress. That was probably the only fashion disaster my Barbie ever had!
Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was six and my biggest problem was what kind of dress to put on Barbie"

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