Thursday, 29 January 2009

Assessment Feedback

I was meant to write this on Tuesday, the evening that I got my grades back but it flew completely over my head. So this is 2 days late, oops.
I was given my grades from 3 of the modules we did last semester, and overall I'm pretty pleased! I always seem to want better than I get, but that's a good thing isn't it? I got C+,C+ and B+, which overall added up to a B+. Which is cool, and I now know what I need to aim for this semester, an almighty A!
I was given the B+ grade for the Visual Studies module, which was basically exploring fashion illustration. I have to say I enjoyed this the most, so I'm chuffed I got the best mark out of my results for it!
It's made me start consider looking at Fashion Illustration more.
I bought this book from Amazon last week, and it's so amazing, I just keep picking it up and flicking through it. I love books like that. It just fills me with inspiration and I highly recommend it to anyone even vaguely interested in illustration for fashion.

Monday, 26 January 2009

My First Blog....

So as part of my Professional Studies module at uni, I've got to set up this blog to let you all know how things are going whenever fashion inspires me, informs me, fills me with questions or just simply excites me....

Why fashion?
I've always been part of a creative family, taking most inspiration from my mum as I grew older. But when I was younger, I stayed with my great grandma, she'd show me how to sew teddy bears during the day and in the evening I'd sit and watch her do a beautiful piece of tapestry in amazement. She had books about dolls and dresses and she'd tell me stories of how her grandma used to sew and she herself taught sewing classes. I guess this was my first glimpse into the world of fabric and needles and thread.
I never grew up wanting to have anything much to do with fashion, i wish i could say that i did, but i always seemed more interested in drawing. I did very well in my Textiles GCSE which ultimately changed my mind from doing a BTEC in Art & Design to a BTEC in Fashion and Clothing. And I'd never look back. Ever since college my interest in fashion has grown and grown and grown.

And so here I am now, in my first year of university, a BA Hons Fashion Studies only 2 or 3 years away, getting more excited about fashion but seeming to know exactly what I want to do less and less every month.
You see, I enjoy so much about fashion - pattern cutting, manufacture, illustration, photography, articles, writing, designing...I can't pick a favourite at the moment.

I'm hoping this module will help me decide, or atleast refine my paths for decisions in the future.

Thanks for reading!